“L’ LOVE Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for…
Fourthman Foundation Nigeria Outreach Report – 2nd Quarter 2018
Name of Orphanage Home: Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home.
Project Title: 2ND Quarter 2018, Outreach
Date of Outreach: July 10, 2018.
Project Objective: To reach out to the less privileged children, showing them love and teaching them the culture of giving back to the society. And in this particular project we also want them to share in the celebration of Easter.
Engr. Iroakazi Nnamdi Team leader
Dr. Joyce Ijeoma Assistant Team Leader
Our second quarter outreach was intended to do what we have been previously doing, which is to supply materials and food items to the orphanage home and spend some time with the children. The planning started quite early the budget was prepared and approved.
On the set date for the outreach, the team visited the orphanage home to carry out the outreach.
As usual, we met with the Matron of the orphanage Sister Agnes, who gave us some updates on the events in the orphanage home, and the welfare of the kids.
As at our last visit, the orphanage had 5 new babies, now during this 2nd quarter outreach we discover they had received 11 new born babies. it was beautiful seeing them. We also had time to interact with the older kids, they were doing great.
Mary, the baby girl with a congenital medical case, is fine, we discovered she had out grown her orthopaedic chair provided by Fourthman Foundation, we will have to plan to get her another one.
The plans to move her to an orthopaedic home is still on, but none has been found yet.
- We will have to consider constructing a new orthopaedic chair for Mary.
- As we expand and grow, the Fourthman foundation may also need reach to more homes and be a blessing to other less privileged children in other homes.
- Third Quarter outreach 2018.
Engr. Iroakazi Lnamdi.