“L’ LOVE Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for…
Fourthman Foundation Outreach Project – 1st Quarter 2020
Name of Orphanage Home: Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home.
Project Title: Feast of the Guardian Angel, 1ST Quarter 2020, Outreach
Date of Outreach: March 23, 2020
Project Objective: To reach out to the less privileged children, show them love and care
Engr. Iroakazi Nnamdi Team leader
Dr. Joyce Ijeoma Co-coordinator
Miss Mercy Asiegbu Volunteer
Mr Ugockukwu Hilary Media Personnel
Our first quarter 2020 outreach planning commenced in February 2020, as usual our budget was prepared and presented to the president for approval.
Due to the COVID19 Pandemic we had to make some adjustments. The foundation engaged the services of a volunteer member based in Enugu to carryout the outreach, because there was a barn on interstate movement.
The coordinating team arrived the orphanage by 11:30am on the March 23, 2020. They were received by the caregivers who informed them that there were certain restrictions due to the pandemic and thus the team will have to wait for the matron who will give further instruction.
When the matron eventually arrived, she received us with joy, and went further to tell us that due to the pandemic the management of the orphanage home had decided that guest will not be allowed access to the kids as usual. This was designed to protect the kids and the caregivers from the likelihood of getting expose the risk of infection.
So we interacted with her for a while she gave us updates on the kids, particularly Mary who was undergoing a therapy, she informed us that the baby is doing fine, and the therapy was still going on, the expectation is that she begins to walk.
We presented the gifts to her, took a few pictures and left the premises by 1:30pm
- 2ND Quarter outreach 2020
- Continuation of Mary’s Therapy
Reported by: Engr. Iroakazi Nnamdi.
Team Leader: Fourthman Foundation, Nigeria.