“L’ LOVE Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for…
Fourthman Foundation Outreach Report – 1st & 2nd Quarter 2017
Name of Orphanage Home: Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home.
Project Title: Feast of the Guardian Angel
Date of Outreach: May 2017-October 2017
Project Objective: Medical Support to Special Need Children in the Orphanage Home.
Engr. Iroakazi Nnamdi Team leader
The Fourth Man Foundation Nigeria, had decided to devote the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2017 to giving attention to medical support of a special need kid in the orphanage.
During these quarters our focus was on a baby in the orphanage who we discovered in our first quarter visit of 2017. She has a deformity which Doctors described as mixed cerebral palsy.
We have always kept a close watch on her during our previous visits but this time we decided to take financial responsibility for her medical needs, which prior to now could not be handled by the orphanage.
Our USA based sponsor instructed us to find out all the necessary medical needs of the child and the financial implication and send a budget for the medical support.
Mary or miracle as she is called, was born to parents, who till date are unknown. It is believed that due to the baby’s deformity she was abandoned probably by the mother in a church facility in Enugu State, Nigeria, during a week church program.
When she was discovered by the church staff, she was brought to the Rev. Father who proceeded to make an announcement during church services, calling for the parents of the baby to identify, and also promised that the church will help out with the medical requirements of the baby.
When no one came forward, the Church decided to send the baby to Guardian Angel Orphanage Home where we met her.
We were connected to the pediatric Doctor in charge of the orphanage, Dr. Agwu, who had been giving some attention to the child prior to now. He informed us that the baby will need an MRI brain scan which will reveal the nature of her condition and necessary medical requirements. According to him, this scan has been delayed due to finances.
With the involvement of the Forth Man foundation, we were able to fund the MRI SCAN and consultancy fee.
When the scan results were ready, we took the result of the scan and the child to a consultant who is a Professor and a Paediatric Neurologist, on Thursday, 27 July 2017.
After examining the child and also looking at the MRI Scan results, the Doctor Informed us that it was a case of congenital mixed palsy. The Doctor observed that he child’s hands and legs are beginning to stiffen, and could eventually lead to paralysis, hence the Doctor prescribed that we should engage the services of a physiotherapist immediately, so that the limbs can be loosened and the child gradually helped & taught how to use them.
She also recommended drugs for the child. Which we have also bought and it is currently being administered.
A pediatric physiotherapist has been engaged who is currently administering the therapy.
While the physiotherapy is going on, the child will be going for review and progress Check up monthly.
This medical process is currently on, the baby is responding, and we hope that she will get a chance to live out her destiny.
Hospital Memfys Hospital
MRI Scan 102,000
Physiotherapist and consultation fee for 3 months projection. N157, 000.
The pediatric doctor writes.
The therapy is still ongoing and there are great improvements.
- She can now assume crawling position, which she can’t do before.
- She can now bear weight on right hand; before she avoids doing it.
- She can now briefly sit upright unsupported.
- The next step is to improve her endurance in both crawling and sitting positions.
These are some of her pictures recently received.
- Fourth Quarter2017 outreach
- We will continue to monitor the progress of the child.
- We also need to purchase routine drugs and supplements for the rest of the kids
Iroakazi Nnamdi.
Fourth Man Foundation Representative