“L’ LOVE Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for…
Fourthman Foundation Outreach Report – 2nd Quarter 2019
Name of Orphanage Home: Guardian Angel Motherless Babies Home.
Project Title: Feast of the Guardian Angel, 2ND Quarter 2019, Outreach
Date of Outreach: 5TH July, 2019
Project Objective: To reach out to the less privileged children, show them love and care
Engr. Iroakazi Nnamdi Team leader
Dr.joyce Ijeoma Assistant Team Leader
Hilary Ugochukwu Media Personnel
The fourth quarter 2019 outreach planning commenced in June 2019. Our Lead Director, Mrs Ebere Okoye Visited Nigeria during this period, and we maximized the opportunity to open a Nigerian Bank Account for the foundation, which had been delayed previously because some documents needed her signature on them.
Mary’s physiotherapy is still going on we hope to see the doctor again during this 2ND quarter outreach.
Basically, everything was planned normally, the budget for the outreach was prepared and approved by the Lead Director of the Foundation and we began the process.
We executed the outreach as planned on July 5, 2019. We arrived at the venue around 1pm, and we were received by the matron. The physiotherapist was not able to make it to the meeting; however, we saw the Child Mary, and she is doing fine. In our interview session with the matron she testified the indeed there was quite some improvement with the child, and that evidently the therapy was yielding results. She reported that unlike before, the child could now sit up on her own, her grip was getting firm, and she responds much more to sounds around her.
She also spoke of reconsidering the option of taking her to an orthopaedic home, where she will receive a more intensive and specialized care. We promised to look into that.
We also enquired about the kids who we were informed in our last quarter outreach that they were sent back to their families from the orphanage home, we were told that the orphanage home checks up on them regularly and that they were doing fine.
The kids were all doing fine, we spent some time playing with them and taking shots.
And as usual we presented our gifts to them and took our leave.
In the past we tried to find an orthopaedic home for Mary, but it was not successful, we may have to reconsider that option.
- 3rd Quarter outreach 2019.
- Continuation of Mary’s Therapy
Reported by: Engr. Iroakazi Nnamdi.
Team Leader: Fourthman Foundation, Nigeria.